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Our Values

How do the truths that we believe play out in what we practice?

Authority of Scripture

At Christ the King, we firmly believe that the Bible is the very Word of God and is therefore authoritative.  To disregard or disobey the Bible in any aspect is to disregard or disobey God. We understand that we live in an age in which the average church allows the culture to dictate what they believe and what they do.  However, we strive to hold Scripture as the ultimate authority of our faith and of our lives.



Expository Preaching

Since the Bible is the Word of God, we believe that our sermons should be grounded in the Bible.  We tend to preach through books of the Bible in an expositional way — preaching what the passage states rather than the opinions of the preacher. We believe that hearing God’s Word proclaimed is life-changing. It convicts us and heals us by the power of the Holy Spirit. 




We don’t pretend we have it all together.  We depend on God’s strength to fight sin and sacrifice for one another.  We need God's grace to get through life's tough times. Therefore, we are committed to pray for another. We desire to see God work in the lives of those in the church.  Prayer is an important part of our service, and the pastors/elders would be happy to pray with anyone in need. 



Biblical Worship

Worshipping our God is a high privilege for every believer.  Therefore we want to make sure we are we are worshipping God in the way that he has ordained in his Word.  We sing some of the great hymns of the faith, as well as some of the Psalms that have been put to music.  We also sing some of the best of the modern sacred music.  It is our goal that these songs are focused on God rather than on ourselves.  We want the truths of these great songs to stir our affections for our great God.  




At Christ the King, we understand that God has instituted the family as the foundation of society.  However, we live in a time in which the family is not valued as it should be.  We value strong families and every member of the family.  We want to make sure that the marriages of the church are strong, and so offer marriage counseling when needed. We also seek to come alongside parents to offer encouragement as we raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Because we value our families, we want the children of the church to be fully part of our church community. We do not send our children off to be entertained while we have adult time.  We worship together, hear the Word preached together, pray together, eat together, and much more. We do offer nursery for babies and small children during the worship service.




God has placed us together in a community.  We value our time together, and we want to encourage one another as much as possible.  We believe that it is important to meet together more than once a week in order to really be in each others’ lives.  This happens in many ways — through meetings at church, through Bible studies and prayer meetings, through visiting throughout the week, and through meals together. We often sit around the table to eat together (both at church and in our homes). This is a wonderful time to get to know each other more deeply and learn to speak into each others lives.  It is our desire through strong community to spur one another on to love and good works. 




We want to see all the believers at Christ the King grow into maturity.  This is not done alone, but in community. We are committed to walking alongside one another, speaking truth into each other’s lives.  This happens naturally during our times together.  It can also happen during group Bible studies or one-on-one discipleship.  Sometimes it needs to happen at Biblical Counseling, through which mature believers can walk us through the Scriptures and apply them to our lives.  This is always done in an atmosphere of love and grace, seeking the glory of God in each person’s life. 




God has commanded that we love all people and lay our lives down for one another. Our faith demands that our lives are changed, and we want to be a church that puts our faith into action, especially for those in need.  We understand that the gospel drives us to service. Because of the mercy and grace that God has given us, we want to love and serve others.  Serving others is not The Gospel, but it is a natural outcropping of the gospel that has been applied to our hearts.  It points others to our wonderful Savior and can be a springboard for sharing the gospel with others.

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